
Public Administration Copyright Exception

Public Administration Copyright Exceptions(Photo credits: vgm8383)

The CDPA 1988 contains the following copyright exceptions to facilitate a number of activities which might be carried in relation to copyright works by the public authority in normal course of public administrative:

  • Section 45 deems anything done for the purpose of parliamentary or judicial proceedings not to be an infringement of copyright. The reporting of such proceedings is also deemed not to be an infringement of copyright.
  • Section 46 deems anything done in pursuance of a Royal Commission or a statutory inquiry not to be an infringement of copyright. The reporting of such inquiry is also deemed not to an infringement of copyright.
  • Section 47 establishes a number of defences to enable copying material open to public inspection or are on a public register such as a patent register.
  • Section 48 deems anything communicated to the Crown in the course of public proceedings not to be an infringement of copyright.
  • Section 49 deems copying works found in public records not to an infringement of copyright.
  • Section 50 deems any act authorised by an act of parliament not to be an infringement of copyright.